{% if offset is defined and count is defined %}
{% if count > 0 %}
{% set route = app.request.attributes.get('_route') %}
{% if 'page' not in route %}
{% set route = route~'-page' %}
{% endif %}
{% if table_limit is not defined %}
{% set table_limit = 20 %}
{% endif %}
{% set limit = (offset+1)*table_limit %}
{% set currentPath = path(app.request.attributes.get('_route'),app.request.attributes.get('_route_params')) %}
{% if limit > count %} {% set limit = count %} {% endif %}
{% if expanded is not defined %}
{{ (offset*table_limit)+1 }} - {{ limit }} sur {{ count }}
{% endif %}
{% if (offset*table_limit)+1 > 1 %}
{% set link = "" %}
{% if cat is defined and cat %}
{% set link = url(route,{'cat':cat,'offset':offset}) %}
{% else %}
{% set link = url(route,{'offset':offset}) %}
{% endif %}
{%if expanded is defined %} | Précédent{%endif%}
{% else %}
{%if expanded is defined %} | Précédent{%endif%}
{% endif %}
{% if expanded is defined %}
{{ (offset*table_limit)+1 }} - {{ limit }} sur {{ count }}
{% endif %}
{% if limit < count %}
{% set link = "" %}
{% if cat is defined and cat %}
{% set link = url(route,{'cat':cat,'offset':offset+2}) %}
{% else %}
{% set link = url(route,{'offset':offset+2}) %}
{% endif %}
{%if expanded is defined %}Suivant | {%endif%}
{% else %}
{%if expanded is defined %}Suivant | {%endif%}
{% endif %}